Linux File System

Linux File System

The Linux file system is a hierarchical structure that organizes data on a Linux system. It follows the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), which defines the directory structure and the purpose of each directory.

Following are some important directories in Linux:

  1. / (Root Directory): The top-level directory and the starting point of the file system hierarchy.

  2. /bin (Binary): Essential command binaries (programs) required for system boot and repair. This host commands executable files like ls, pwd, etc.

  3. /boot: Contains the kernel and files needed for the initial stages of the boot process.

  4. /dev (Device): Device files representing hardware devices on the system. Files having information about hardware devices.

  5. /etc (Etcetera): Configuration files and scripts needed to boot the system and configure various applications. Important for system users and DevOps.

  6. /home: Home directories for regular users.

  7. /lib (Library): Essential shared libraries and kernel modules.

  8. /media: Mount points for removable media such as USB drives or external hard disks.

  9. /mnt (Mount): Mount points for temporarily mounted file systems.

  10. /opt (Optional): Optional software packages.

  11. /proc: A virtual file system that provides information about processes and system resources.

  12. /root: Home directory for the root user.

  13. /run: Temporary files created by system processes.

  14. /sbin (System Binary): Essential system binaries used for system administration.

  15. /srv (Service): Data for services provided by the system.

  16. /sys: A virtual file system that exposes kernel parameters and information about devices, buses, and other kernel components.

  17. /tmp (Temporary): Temporary files that are deleted upon reboot.

  18. /usr (User): Secondary hierarchy containing user documentation, games, and other non-essential utilities.

  19. /var (Variable): Variable data such as log files, spool directories, and temporary files.